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integral COACHING

Integral Coaches uncover our and your ability to continuously awaken and deepen, so that life flourishes and is saturated with meaning, belonging and contribution. 


“We do not think our way into new ways of living. We live ourselves into new ways of thinking.” Richard Rohr


Integral coaching helps people become more aware of and integrate their thinking (cognitive), feeling (emotional), sensing (somatic), relationships and spirituality or sense of purpose and meaning. Through conversations we establish and foster mutual trust and appropriate vulnerability, creating safe and courageous spaces to speak up and show up. Both challenge and support facilitate growth and will be used as appropriate. Through a series of 'conversations for possibility' coachees will have an opportunity to discover and unlock their best selves around meaning, belonging and contribution.  My desire is to help people  shine their essence and contribution into their relationships and the rest of the world of possibilities around them, living a life that is fully alive and has integrity (is integrated). 


As an accredited Artist's Way facilitator, accredited Enneagram practitioner,  entrepreneurship trainer, high performance athlete, nature based adventurer, drum circle facilitator, Adult Child of an Alcoholic and trauma support facilitator, I weave in many diverse and creative exercises and practices to broaden and deepen people's  development paths. Emotional intelligence, somatic (body) practices and using the body's wisdom are important in my life and coaching practice and will feature in our work together.  And so learning and doing new practices are foundational to gaining insights and to attitude, habit and behaviour change. Any skills we are particularly good at require time to practice and the same is true in making the shifts needed to get unstuck and/or achieve desired changes. We are and become what we habitually practice and do. 


I invite you to contact me to arrange a free chemistry conversation. If we are geographically close to each other I prefer to have these conversations while walking in a beautiful natural setting (Newlands Forest, oceanside Green Point Promenade, etc.). 

what coachees say about my coaching

Anna S., (academic)

“Don’s expertise and skills as a coach are combined with his unique empathy and ethos, all of which made me feel understood and safe to deeply commit to the process. Whilst we were working on how I can practice my vocation in more fulfilling ways in the long run, the fortnightly exercises and practices that Don encouraged me to do turned that into a tangible and present reality in a few weeks time, helping me complete a writing project, among other things. Truly transformative. (Anna S., academic)"


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